Saturday, March 6, 2010

Alternative Energy Solution

The rate at which human race on earth require the use of energy power to aid their daily live is meteorically on the increase at an exponetial rate which will soon very well bring this our lovely acormodation "Mother Earth" to a desastrous break down. Compare what every single man use as out of the very few in energy available to use daily to what is was a decade back.

Naturally like you and i know our daily lives depend on these energies to move forward to that destination we can not tell what holds up fo us their. But imagine this, what if we can only depend on the power mother earth has provided us with as our sourrce of energy will our today not be a great day ahead of us were all we dois breath in the freshest air available to man on earth.

Come to think of it our survival depends on what we get from our imediate envionment, If so why not lets take a change and go the alternative energy way were every thing is cheap for use in aboundance. Threading the alternative solution way is the only way we can boust of using the power of the wind and sun to it maximum use without decrese in supply.

As against digging the earth under our feet for the damaging fossil fuel we have always relied on for generating electrical power, lets think about the positive change alternative energy solution will do to move and protect our on the same pace with the human race.