Thursday, March 4, 2010

Alternative Energy Resources

Have you noticed that in the today's world that we live in the switch from the focus on energy production via crude or fossil oil is been encouraged in the world over if we want to sustain the lively hood of our race on the face of this earth. Well come to think of it a list of alternative energy resources are now encouraged for people to learn about and make good use of.

-. Coal; this energy can be used to power a lot of things, i.e electrical generators with good attention to its exhaust gas. It could also be used in the form of a coal-gas called synfuel made out of coal.

-. Heavy oil; this is a much a close link to coal with it near solid state of petroleum consistency in a putty form.

-. Natural gas; this form of energy can be used as an alternative to fuel energy if been used as a source of energy to power vehicles from fuel stations.

-. Nuclear energy; this is one sure energy source that has been available for use by man a long time ago but has been to to the rear for safety of the environment, if only we as human can make availability for the safety of its usage it if by far a great source of energy for man.

-. Alcohol and Bio fuels; this two been a form of ethanol gotten form green plants or methanol from plant waste, can also be used as a source of energy to power electrical plants in its simple but complex state.

-. Hydrogen gas; this is by far the only know gas that can be made in abundance for energy usage if stored under pressure, but requires a huge capital base investment.

-. Solar energy; this is widely known source of generating alternative electrical energy, which uses the power of the sun to retain power into the solar panel cell used in recharging deep circle battery for later or immediate use after the sun goes out.

-. Wind energy; this is another very popular source of generating electrical energy with the usage of wind turbine machines that generate alternating power for electrical use.

Know one thing that all these will not be the only source of alternative energy resources the human race is going to live with in the nearest future, more definitely to come and change the way we view power energy generation.